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Committee on Research Practices (CRP)

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Terms of Reference

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The CRP is an administrative committee reporting to the Provost and Vice-President for Research and Development (VP-RD).  Its goal is to guide the attainment of the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in research conducted at the University.

  1. To ensure that there is an effective review, monitoring and implementation process of research ethics and compliance in all research projects involving animal use, human subjects, artefacts and safety issues, undertaken by faculty, researchers and students.
  2. To advise and endorse the Terms of Reference and Membership of its Sub-Committees, namely the Animal Ethics CommitteeHuman and Artefacts Research Ethics Committee, and Safety Panel; and to receive their annual reports, and other reports as appropriate.
  3. To handle and review non-compliance cases/complaints brought to the Committee, according to the “Procedures for Handling Alleged Non-compliance and Complaints”. For severe cases of research malpractices, the Committee will report them to the Provost and VP-RD, for further handling.
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The Committee will consist of a minimum of three persons of which at least one will not be an employee of HKUST. The Chairperson will be an employee of HKUST who would not be personally involved in issues of research ethics that may come before the Committee. Additional members may be added depending on the needs of the Committee.

All members will be jointly appointed by the Provost and VP-RD, and will normally serve for three years. The CRP will meet biannually or as often as is required.

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Chair Dr Samuel S K Kwan Information Technology Services Office
Members Prof Cameron Campbell Division of Social Science
  Prof Kok Wai Cheah External
  Prof Randy Poon
Chair, Animal Ethics Committee;
Division of Life Science
  Prof Xiaojun Zhang
Chair, Human and Artefacts Research Ethics Committee;
Department of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management
  Prof Samuel Yu
Chair, Safety Panel;
Health, Safety and Environment Office
  Prof Henry Lam
Chair, Committee on Academic Integrity;
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

Ms Michelle Kam

Head (Development, Infrastructure and Policy), VPRDO
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