The looming environmental problems facing the 21st century are complex and interrelated. HKUST scientists are committed to tackling these challenges through an integrated approach and multidisciplinary collaboration. HKUST strengths span across air, water, marine, land and energy to build a cleaner, greener, more sustainable future.
Key Research Areas

HKUST’s renowned air quality researchers have developed world-leading expertise in meteorology and air quality modeling, in-situ and satellite remote sensing, environmental data analysis, and chemical and biological characterization of aerosols. Their efforts have not only resulted in broader knowledge, but have also been adopted in various policymaking process, both locally, regionally and internationally.

Other than regional climate modeling, HKUST researchers are working on climate adaptation and resilience, focusing on the interconnection between heat waves, drought, public health and urban planning. We are also working on advanced technology that could allow critical infrastructure to better adapt to the emerging climate risks.

HKUST is at the global forefront of the development of energy generation, storage and efficiency technologies. Energy experts at HKUST are conducting pioneering research on sustainable energy including e-fuels and organic solar cells, smart green buildings, energy-efficient LED lighting and OLED displays.

The University’s geotechnical researchers are global leaders in the theory and engineering of saturated soil mechanics, slope stability, mitigation of landslide risk, and risk assessment of multi-hazards. HKUST is also leading in the investigation of remediation technologies to clean up organics- and heavy-metal-contaminated soils.

HKUST scientists have broken new ground in water technologies that can assist eco-friendly water quality management, reveal problems in water pipes, and revolutionize wastewater treatment. These knowledge breakthroughs have significant impacts both locally and globally on much-needed sustainable urban development.
Research Highlights
Related Research Units / Programs
- Chinese National Engineering Research Center for Control and Treatment of Heavy Metal Pollution (Hong Kong Branch)
- Energy Institute
- Institute for the Environment
- HKUST ENVF-INA/LMA Joint Laboratory on Environment
- Environmental Central Facility