Research Integrity Resources Portal
This portal gathers policies, guidelines and training information on research integrity and ethics at HKUST. Faculty, staff and students may utilize reference materials here for teaching or self-studying. This is brought to you by VPRDO with contributions from the Library.
Policies & Guidelines

HKUST is committed to advancing academic integrity as a core value in our culture and ethos. As a member of the University, you are expected to uphold the highest standards of rigor, objectivity, accountability and ethical practices fundamental to your research activity.
More Information
As set out in the University's Policy on Research Conduct and Integrity, here are some of the research misconduct you should avoid.
Making up data, results or other aspects of research, including documentation and participant consent, and recording or reporting them.
Inappropriate manipulation of research materials, equipment or processes, or deliberately changing or omitting relevant findings of a data set from analysis, such that the research is not accurately represented.
Copying of ideas, data, text or results and presenting these as one’s own without permission or adequate acknowledgement of the intellectual property of the authors.
Reuse of one’s own data or previously written work, or parts of it, in a subsequent publication, research paper or other output, without appropriate acknowledgement that the material had previously been published.
Deliberate exploitation of or stealing ideas from others without acknowledgement; and/or collection of data through exploitation of vulnerable or disadvantaged groups, or infringing on the privacy of participants, or employing data collection processes that may be harmful to participants or subjecting them to more risk than is necessary.
Listing individuals as authors without their permission; or attributing credit of authorship or co-authorship to an individual where there has been no significant contribution towards the work; denial or lack of appropriate acknowledgement to an individual who primarily produced the work; or unethical practices in citation, manuscript or grant proposal review.
Misrepresentation of interests, including failure to declare material interests or disclosure of any potential conflict of interest, either of the research or of a relationship to the sponsor of the research.
Failure to comply with requirements for the protection of human, animal subjects or artefacts, including the methods employed in the collection or use of data involving human participants, animals or artefacts before ethical approval is obtained from the respective ethics committee.
Colluding in or facilitating research misconduct by others; and concealment or deliberate failure to report such actions by others.

Prior to embarking on research endeavors at HKUST, you are expected to complete relevant training to ensure your familiarity with the best practices in research.
Compulsory Training
CITI Program Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Course
All faculty and staff engaging in research, and research postgraduate students should complete this course.
Research-specific Requirements
There are specific compliance training for members engaging in research involving animals, human participants and safety hazards.
Other Training
The Library organizes seminars and workshops under the Researchers’ Series.
Your School or Division / Department may offer discipline-specific and safety training. Check with them for details.