Personalized E-learning

Visual information imparts nuances that play a significant role in our lives, shaping our understanding of the world through various media and revealing previously unknown behaviors. Such visual cues can be leveraged for a spectrum of applications, but Prof Huamin Qu and his team are using visual impact to develop an open source platform for advanced visualization interfaces to cater education and learning to the individual.
Thus, VisMOOC was born - the first web app visual analysis system for discerning e-learning behavior through the availability of large amounts of visual data. VisMOOC has the capability to pinpoint where learners play a section multiple times, pause, or skip through, where each behavior represents telling information about the learner’s level of comprehension. Courses can then be tailored and improved based on this information.
Building upon the success of VisMOOC, Prof Qu subsequently integrated cutting-edge visualization with large-scale telecommunications data to create applications contributing to smart city understanding, such as crowd management for transportation. He received a Distinguished Collaborator Award from Huwawei’s Noah’s Ark Lab for his research.
Prof Huamin Qu is Dean of Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies, Head of Division of Emerging Interdisciplinary Areas, and Chair Professor of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at HKUST. He was the recipient of the Distinguished Collaborator Award 2016 (Huawei Noah’s Ark Lab). He has co-authored more than 100 refereed papers and more than 40 papers are published in the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), making him one of the most productive researchers in this journal.