Advances in Next Generation Displays

Two HKUST Professors – Prof Hoi-sing Kwok and Prof Ching Tang – have made seminal contributions to the advancement of electronic displays over the past several decades. Inventions include liquid crystal on silicon (LCOS) micro-displays for headsets, a new LCD alignment method called photo-alignment and field sequential color LCD. The original discovery and many critical development of organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), which has emerged as a premium display technology, can be attributed to Prof Ching Tang. The impact of their work is evident in everyday electronics from mobile smartphones to large-area, high-definition TVs.
Prof Kwok and Tangs’ ongoing research efforts are supported by the State Key Laboratory on Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics Technologies, a platform established in 2013 with the approval of the Ministry of Science and Technology. Under Prof Tang and Prof Kwok's leadership, the laboratory has focused on core research areas in LCD devices, OLEDs, color displays without color filters, thin-film transistor array technology, and frontier technologies such as coatable polarizers.
Prof Hoi-sing Kwok is Visiting Professor at the Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Executive Director of the State Key Laboratory on Advanced Displays and Optoelectronics. He is a Fellow of IEEE, OSA and SID and an elected member of the Asia Pacific Academy of Materials. He holds more than 90 patents.
Prof Ching Tang is Former IAS Professor at HKUST. He is internationally known as the “Father of OLED” and is a recipient of the highly prestigious Wolf Prize in Chemistry. Prof Tang is a fellow of the American Physical Society, a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and a founding member of the Academy of Sciences of Hong Kong. Most recently, he was inducted to the US National Inventors Hall of Fame.