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National Labs & Centers

State Key Laboratory and Hong Kong Branch of Chinese National Engineering Research Center are national research laboratories approved by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

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State Key Laboratories (SKL)

Established in 1984, the State Key Laboratory (SKL) Scheme is one of the major national technology development schemes managed by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (MOST). SKLs are top state-funded laboratories that conduct innovative basic and applied research tied to national priority and have simultaneously achieved national level of excellence.

Prof Kristiaan Neyts (Director) &
Prof Zhiyong Fan (Co-Director)

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Chinese National Engineering Research Center (CNERC)

Hong Kong Branches of CNERCs serve as major impetus in providing engineering research and consultancy support to the industries. Research institutions approved by MOST as CNERCs have strong R&D capabilities and enjoy leading positions in their chosen areas of expertise both in the Mainland and internationally.